Linggo, Hunyo 16, 2013

       Today is my first day of learning about Information Security (IS).
Before we tackle this subject, I fell excited and a little bit of nervous, why?,  because this is my first time taking this subject, and this subject is very interesting.

       I will learn how to secure my private files and information INFORMATION SECURITY specially on a company that i will be working for, in the near future.

       For that i would like to give thanks to my instructor Mr. Dosejo for teaching us
 with all his might this very interesting subject  and that is Information Security.

      Today, June 23, 2013, we started our second Sunday of class about Information Security.
Before we start our lesson, we pray first and it was lead by our instructor Mr. Dosejo.
after we pray we started our lesson, Mr. Dosejo showed us his lesson in power point by using the LCD projector. Then he discuss and explain our lesson including about the 3 principles of  Information Security this are the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

      He taught us also about the difference between the DATA and INFORMATION, also the Encryption
and the 7 Information Security Domains those are Physical Security, Access Control Security, Data Security,
Application Security, Network and Communication Security, Security Risk Assessment and Audit, and
Security Incident Management.

     I learned many things about our lesson today and I hope I'll learn more interesting information
on our next session.

    It's all thanks to Mr. Dosejo. GOD BLESS and More Power Sir!....

     Today June 30, 2013, is the third Sunday of our class about IS (Information Security).
And once again Mr. dosejo discuss us about another very interesting topics about IS, this is
also a continuation about our lesson last sunday.

      Today we learned so many things again about network, OSI (Open System Interconnection)
and its 7 layers these are the Physical,  Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation and
Application . Also Mr. Dosejo discuss about the networking devices, network topology's
these are the Bus, Ring, Mesh, Star and Extended Star, also the applications that uses the network
which are Database Applications, Instant Messenger, Email  and Online Games,

     We also learned about how the hub, switches and routers works and how packets or traffic
pass through them and send by the router to the right destination. Mr. Dosejo taught us also
about how we can compute what is the IP (Internet Protocol) of  of a computer or a client.
We learned also how to compute how many characters there are in 8 bits or 1 byte.

I'm very  thankful to Mr. Dosejo for teaching us so many things that we did not know before.
I hope i will learn so much more again next Sunday.


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